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April 2024 the community of Valedor was affected with a strong flood where 167 families lost almost all their household items, in addition to being left without any food for their children, thank God and then the Tzu Chi foundation we were delivering bags of food to 100% of the affected families, God continues to use our mission as a bridge of hope for the community

















September 2023, we received a donation of three computers from The Hershey company. These computers come as support to keep our website updated. We are grateful for this donation.

September 2023, visit of our CEO Michael Lawton with his son Evan and a friend.

December 2022, the Tzu Chi Foundation withdraws from helping in the mission, but the mission continues with its programs.

April / November 2022, continuation of the vegetarian meals program.

May 2022, visit of our mission director Mr. Michael Lawton with his wife Janet of Lawton, our great friend and member of the mission team Mr. Richard was also present with his wife Nehla as well as his daughter Contmey, this visit was a great achievement because we were able to build the new floor of the mission.

March 2022, installation of a tank for the supply of clean drinking water for the mission, thanks to the Kerol Initiative for their collaboration with our mission.

January 2022, we continue to provide healthy food to 100% of children through the vegetarian food program, thanks to Tzu Chi for collaborating in this mission that we develop.

December 2021, more than 150 children from the community were enjoying Christmas dinner, everyone was happy and that lets us know that every day we will be more committed to the children, the community and the entire mission team, we thank God and then to our great friend Richard for his contribution to this dinner.December 2021, more than 150 children from the community were enjoying Christmas dinner, everyone was happy and that lets us know that every day we will be more committed to the children, the community and the entire mission team, we thank God and then to our great friend Richard for his contribution to this dinner.

November 2021, more than 200 families were benefited with cross type shoes, we continue as a mission showing God's love for others, grateful to God and a foundation in Taiwan for being united with us to benefit these poor families.




September 2021, the children return to share in the feeding program that we offer, one hundred children return later to share in a group after having lowered the level of contagion of Covid 19 in our country.

June 2021, the Dominican government carried out a vaccination day in the mission building to combat COVID 19, 70% families could be benefited.
The government officials who were present recognized the work that the mission is developing in this impoverished community.

May 2021, families are receiving donations of bananas from the garden, thank God and then to the EPAM project for helping the mission with the cistern







April 2021, arrival of the first bananas after receiving the water from the cistern, we are grateful to God and also to the EPAM project

March 2021, positive result of the garden, this month we are supplying beans and pigeon peas to a needy family in the community, grateful to God and after the EPAM project for their help with the cistern where the fruits of the garden continue to grow




March 2021, due to the pandemic we have continued to help provide food for children at home to avoid the grouping of children and thus comply with government measures




January 2021, year of growth of the garden fruits, as a result of the benefits of the cistern in addition to the growth of the banabas, we are currently harvesting pumpkins and beans.
These fruits are being donated to poor families of the mission, we are grateful to God and after the EPAM project, for their support.

December 2020, thanks be to God that even in the midst of the pandemic it was possible to provide Christmas dinner to the children of the mission so that they can take it to share at home, we are grateful to be able to see all our children of the mission receiving their Christmas dinner.

December 2020, result of the garden after receiving water from the cistern, first banana fruit ready to eat, we are grateful to God and after The EPAM Project

December 2020,principal director Mike Lawton and his son Evan participate in the delivery of the uniform,   the baseball team begins its game with the new uniform donated by TKLF, the name of the mission is placed on each uniform, it is a great objective to help this team of young players from the community where the mission is to be able to be identified with his uniform.

October 2020, The EPAM Project
Bring water to the community where for the first time this community now has a water tank supplied free of charge thanks to God to the EPAM project that together with the mission we have been able to achieve great success for this impoverished community.

October 2020, construction of a cistern to deposit water and be able to sustain the fruits of agriculture in the garden.

This water tank will also be used in the use of the building where the children receive their different activities that we develop.

From April to September, in this time of pandemics we continue to help poor families of the mission with food.
As a foundation during this quarantine we have been supporting 100% of our children who are trapped in their homes Without having a safe food supplied by their parents

March 2020 We started with helping with food to all the children of the mission who are sheltering at home for the prevention of the pandemic



Enero 2020 

In January 2020, we started a new program to develop very important topics where parents together with their children can learn to develop their intellectual capacity, taking into account three main objectives as they are.
Power, privilege and positioning
Each week we develop a different theme so that each parent has the opportunity to participate with their children.
We have been able to verify the extensive knowledge of each of the participants of this program that is being a learning base for each family.



December 2019 - This was a big month.  This mission gained another major donor in Richard Pearce.  Richard's donation will in large part cover the cost of crops to be planted on the new plot of land.  The crops will include banana, plantain, beans, and Yucca.  All of these crops are regenerative and will not require additional investment.  The land has existing mango, avocado and coconut trees.  These crops will provide a significant food source year round after the initial harvest.

Mike Lawton visited with the mission director and teachers to hold a training session for the new program.  The overall program and community sustainability study are set to kick off January 6, 2020.

November 2019 - With a huge thank you to donors such as Todd Reynolds, the mission was able to purchase a 700 square meter plot of land bordering the mission community center.  The land will be used to grow both vegetable and fruit crops to support community sustainability.  Mission parents have volunteered to work the land and maintain the crops.

October 2019 - A successful visit to the mission by Mike Lawton with the community has resulted in a new program being identified where parents will attend and participate in Spanish classes with their children.  A parent will also play an active role of child learning at home.  The parent or parents will also be required to log a minimum of hours volunteering at the mission or the community.

January 2018 - After another graduation in 2018, Mike Lawton, founder of TKLF enrolled in a doctoral program at Vanderbilt University as a way to better understand learning and understand previous research to positively impact sustainability and self reliance of impoverished communities.  

March 2017 - Devastating floods came to the North Coast of the Dominican Republic and did not spare the children and their homes in our mission communities.  Most families lost the little they had, their beds were destroyed, clothes washed away, personal treasures such as pictures are no longer.  

We are praying for help for these families.  We want to start by providing a bed and some clothes.  We are also helping with emergency health care.  Can you please help with a $10 gift.  Every bit of donation will go directly to helping to rebuild these families lives.

December 2016 - Completed construction of the new community center and kitchen for the Valedor children.  


While visiting the mission in April 2016, Fabio, the mission director, took us to visit this neighboring community of our mission in Villa Emanuel.  The community is called Villa Valedor.  The children live in extremely poor conditions.  The children were in great need for the kinds of support our mission in Villa Emanuel.  Fabio prayed for us to help and that we may expand our mission to these very deserving children.  

We agreed that we needed to do something.  We developed a video and began to spread word around our friends and family and within a short period of time, we received enough gifts to build a brand new community center with a full kitchen and bathrooms.  The community center is now a sanctuary for all the children.  We are already providing many programs, including Christian worship, school scholarships, school mentoring, English lessons and other valuable skills training.

We have the structure and the local people to help, We need child sponsorships to sustain and support this community.  Can you help with a monthly commitment?  Just $30 per month will provide all the support a child will need to have a chance at a better life.



October 2016

The Kymberlee Lawton Foundation is proud to welcome our founding sponsor for Loves Lane.  Loves Lane is our mission for impovershed children in the Dominican Republic.  Ms. Walsh has bestowed a wonderful blessing upon the children of Villa Valedor.

December 2023, Christmas dinner celebration where each child will participate in an activity about the birth of Jesus, grateful to God and our brother Richard and his family.

January 2024, we continue to provide better nutritious food to all poor children in the community.

April 2024, children continue learning about the three main points of our approachPower, Privilege and positioning.

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