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PROGRAM & Research Study

Preamble:  The mission was initially created in 2010-2011 to address learning and nutrition deficits and has made incremental improvement over the years.  However mission families have not progressed enough to improve the overall community and their future(s).  Therefore, we look to fine tune the missions "base" program and create a research study to track efforts toward solving the problem statement.

PROBLEM:   Community reliance on outside donors

OBJECTIVE:  Community Sustainability


Fazio (2019) remarked that both Piaget and Vygoskty agree that children learn when they are challenged.  These recommendations will define the new mission framework.  We will create a model that requires a parent to log a minimum of four hours per week with their child at the mission.  We believe that as Sun (2016) noted, the framework should offer enriching and positive caregiving benefits for child development.  Sun further noted that maternal education better predicts a variety of positive parenting practices. For instance, better-educated mothers usually have better access to resources that support their parenting compared to less-educated mothers.  This is a significant challenge that the mission will have to address.  We need to overcome the lack of education and be aware of the parenting practices of more educated mothers so that we can develop a program that will foster those same characteristics.  We also need to consider Garber’s (2019) findings.  If criticizing, we do not want to provide persistent negative feedback that is generic, and directed at more stable characteristics such as ability, which will then contribute to children developing negative self-evaluations that endure. Rather, any criticisms would be focused more on effort.  Some corrective responses from adults (e.g., parents, teachers) are expected and likely help children to learn, particularly if they are specific and directed toward improving effort.  It can be one hour for four days a week or two hours per day over two days.  The program will require parents and their children to learn topics together and to encourage each other through the learning process.  This allows those mothers without formal education to support their children in a positive way and be able to learn with their children.  If the child does not live with their mother, then their father or guardian will be required to participate.  These classes will be held just prior to dinner so as not to interfere with the regular workday.  Dinners will be increased from three to four days per week.  This framework will challenge current culture and norms, therefore we understand the challenge ahead, and, as Fazio (2019) notes, culture shapes each one of us and is the basis of how we are shaped into adulthood.  If this program is successful, it will start to, in some small way, reshape the mission culture and slowly begin to show positive results in cognition socio-cultural norms of the mission’s families and community. 


Fazio, L. (2019). LLO-8160 Psychological Perspectives. Vanderbilt University.

Garber, J., Goodman, Sherryl H., Brunwasser, Steven C., Frankel, Sarah A.,Herrington, Catherine G. (2019). The effect of content and tone of maternal evaluative feedback on self-cognitions and affect in young children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 182, 151–165.

Sun, J., Liub, Y., Chenc, Eva., Raod, Nirmala., Liu, Hongyun. (2016).  Factors related to parents’ engagement in cognitive and socio-emotional caregiving in developing countries.  Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 36, 21-31.

Yildirim, Elif Dede., Roopnarine, Jaipaul L. (2017). Paternal and maternal engagement across six Caribbean countries and childhood outcomes.  Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 53, 64–73.


Please see the attached research study definition paper

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